National Masters 
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Championships

The National Masters will be run under the rules of The International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation (IBJJF). Click on the image below to link to the IBJJF Rules Page:

Article 7.1 of the IBJJF rules state: "The published guidelines of each individual championship shall overrule this General Competition Regulations Book when need be" 

Using Article 7.1, the following exceptions will apply:

1) Article 5.5 of the IBJJF rules state:

"An athlete proven to be a black belt in judo, have experience* in freestyle or Greco-Roman wrestling or to have fought MMA as a professional or amateur, shall not be allowed to enter any tournament as a white belt."

* In the USA, to have competed at a college level or higher. In other countries, to have competed in events of national scope."

At The National Masters, the athletes identified above will be permitted to fight in the blue belt category wearing a white belt.

Please note: this is not permitted at IBJJF events. The athletes mentioned above must wait until they are promoted to blue belt before they are allowed to compete.

2) Respect Rule.

This event has a zero tolerance policy regarding inappropriate behaviour by coaches, parents/guardians, spectators and competitors.

All in attendance must show some restraint when their students or team mates are fighting. There will be competitors and spectators of all ages at this event and we are here to set an example.  

Any swearing, inappropriate gestures or comments, violence (towards person or property) or berating the officials (regardless of any decisions they make) will not be tolerated.

If this happens, the referee/organiser has the right to award penalty points as they see fit, against the athlete concerned. Penalties may be awarded against the athlete due to the actions of their coach or supporters. If coaches or supporters do not comply with the requests of the officials then the associated athlete may be disqualified from the event.

If a coach, supporter, or team mate encroaches onto the mat, or past any barriers that are in place, or man handles an official in any way, that person will be asked to leave the venue and the whole team may not be permitted to take any further part in the competition. 

Refunds will not be issued in the above circumstances.